by Renodor: Qeynos, Surefall Glades complete; roamers set up, starter quest items lv 3-4 drop rate increased
some spell problems fixed
all invisibility spell/item effects had a visual issue and broke shapeshift effects, fixed
Wilting Flesh level adjusted
Rotting Flesh model fixed
group HoT spells didn't show the tick graphic, fixed
some spells didn't correctly add power to the target
alchemist adhesive ranges fixed
wereforms didn't grant stats
extreme weather changes alleviated
23 June 2024
various updates
by ShadowRampageTV: werehunter vampire Tserina quest
by xpli: three lv 47 quests and AoF, desert and marine loots revised
lots of spell, CM and miscellaneous fixes and adjustments after Discord bug reports, too many to exhaustively mention/remember here; for more info, please join there
trade window times out after a minute
pets no longer connable with the right button
recent charm aggro problems fixed
faction adjustments
all pet buffs now show an icon on the caster
visual issues with invisibility spells fixed
toolbelt no longer resets/clears after logout/death
spell cast accepted to be in range if the cast was started within range
stat caps implemented, possible to increase with CM's
resistance display bug fixed
spell updates by Lardubedu, e.g. fixed SoW icons and various spell/CM attributes
cooldown added to usable conjured items like Lava Stone
NPC's can now have strengths and weaknesses, i.e. lower or higher than normal stats or resistances. Data imported from the Prima Guide
CM added stats work: maximums (STR MAX etc.), HP factor, off/def mods, except movement speed for now
our official Discord bot the cat updates notable events like level-ups, deaths, server restarts and communications from the game server to Discord
29 June 2024
quests by Krumpzilla: all Eternal Desert 43's and Castle Lightwolf 45's
by Sontosegara: Dialogue for Dark Elf Alc is finished now and Dark Elf Rge 13, 15, 20, quests under construction
a lot of other quest / item / NPC updates
generated new navigation data for Tunaria to fix pathing problems near zone borders
spells that drain stats now stay active even after the target mob dies (probably the intended way)
spells that drain HP/power end when the target mob dies (laws of physics)
ability equipment requirements (specific type of weapon or a shield) are now enforced
changed dual-wield damage calculation to be more consistent with the melee animation
with double and quad hits, the secondary weapon is swung first, followed by the primary one
double/quad hits with one hand unarmed now correctly calculate the unarmed hit instead of using the weapon for all hits
unarmed damage itself is still a total guesstimate (should monk be different from others?)
some pathfinding changes to allow mobs to reach water and other unreachable places
interactions made in the SCP interaction editor can be now linked with items to add functionality to them (e.g. teleport stones, maybe weapon/armor procs in the future)
based on Discord discussion, base HoT and PoT are now calculated from the current (buffed & itemed) maximum HP/power instead of base maximum HP/power
vendor items tagged as food or drink in SCP will replenish 1/8 of the HP/power pool per tick (until we set up the items in a more granular way)
For more updates, details and development discussion please join our Discord
7 July 2024
various bug fixes
quests by Krumpzilla: Dead Hills 53/55, Kerra Isle 53/55, Envaric Ascension
ShadowRampageTV: added in total 3500 pieces of gear for tradeskills
Renodor: level 49 Epic Group 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 complete, added over 3400 NPCs into the DB to be used to rebuild zones and customize NPC depending on level
many spell/CM fixes by Lardubedu
many item fixes by xpli
ignore function added
this is account-based: ignore list is shared among all characters of your account
ignoring one player will ignore all characters of that account
ignore encompasses: say, shout, whisper, trade, group invite
not tested much
fixed a bug in network code causing problems in long sessions (e.g. everything cons white and things become unresponsive)
defensive and offensive item procs can now be easily added with the SCP interaction editor: video
21 July 2024
various fixes
a lot of item fixes by xpli
many spell fixes by Lardubedu
experimental Group Finder
say "LFG" to enter the Group Finder listing, "LFG OFF" to leave it
after "LFG" you can add an optional short description of what you want to do
people can browse the list and invite players
this was done by repurposing the existing Buddy List which brings some limitations
some buff stacking changes
CM-upgraded spells no longer stack with the original versions
CM spells named "Group something" are treated as single-target spells stacking-wise to process group-upgraded spell versions correctly
some improvements to multiplayer movement and animations
NPC's may now also follow a path defined in SCP, some path choice logic can also be programmed in the interaction editor, example
Sphere of Annihilation spawns if AFK XP'ing is detected
battle music now plays in combat, can be disabled in Options
mobs may now differ in the amount of faction they grant
loot rights limited to the group that got XP from the kill
changed the calculation of stat buffs that have a modifier: existing buffs are now taken into account when calculating the modifier,
except when the buff changes one of the 7 basic stats (to prevent infinite recursion)
28 July 2024
various fixes
by Krumpzilla: Arios 55, Lavastorm 53 quests; started working on getting Permafrost Castle items/system in place to use as a template for future raids
spell/CM fixes by Lardubedu
Line of Sight progress, still needs some work before ready for live testing
4 August 2024
various fixes
CM/spell fixes by Lardubedu
by Renodor: Centaur Valley, North Wilderlands, Lake Noregard, Wiktaan's 4th Talon complete, camp loot tables WIP
HnG quests disabled for now
item fixes by xpli
level cap 40
XP adjusted according to formula apparently documented by Arpiean in 2006
now exactly replicates the numbers seen in Alutra's videos
thanks Faxon for the link
the previous formula was probably for pre-Frontiers
big increase to XP gains
adjusted mob health pools upwards, they now seem to be broadly in line with HP's estimated from old videos
some line of sight progress
enabled in Jared's Blight
affects spell casting and mob aggroing
only vertical wall-type obstacles are considered
floors are still transparent LoS-wise
max stack increased on alchemist potions
mobs didn't always correctly double and quad hit; fixed, should be now consistent with player attack types and their timing
mob resistances now have a level-based multiplier; previously, spells would mostly do full damage to arbitrarily high level mobs
physical abilities now also have a level-based mitigation multiplier, instead of just AC/AGI-based mitigation, to be more consistent with normal melee damage
AoE secondary splash damage now hits the main target too (instead of primary damage to the main target and secondary damage only to surrounding mobs)
11 August 2024
various changes
by xpli: Red Desert revision, small Gramash ruins side quest Radavex available at lv40
by Renodor: zones rebuilt: Urglunt's Wall, Gerntars Mine, Oggok Gate, Kerplunk Outpost, Cazic-Thule, Dinbak
by ShadowRampageTV: roamers in Bashers Enclave 11-20, item descriptions, info collecting on Discord
by Krumpzilla: Lavastorm 55
spell/CM fixes by Lardubedu and me
statistics Sunday:
accounts created: 3915
characters created: 10792
total player account online hours: 213307 since December 2023
top content creators
number of items edited: xpli (5288), ShadowRampageTV (4321), Renodor (1869), Krumpzilla (738)
number of NPC's edited: Renodor (9298), xpli (2750), ShadowRampageTV (1775), Krumpzilla (216)
number of currently active NPC interactions created: Renodor (822), xpli (613), ShadowRampageTV (184), Krumpzilla (132)
number of item interactions (procs etc.) created: Renodor (26), xpli (18), Krumpzilla (6), Xylof (4)
changes to anti-AFK mechanics
instead of instantly killing, Sphere of Annihilation poses a simple question that can be answered within 5 minutes
the Sphere is not attackable during the 5 minutes to prevent accidental aggressions
a prominent spell effect is displayed on the Sphere every few seconds to make it more noticeable
the Sphere is spawned if you get XP while being inactive for a long time
any group member can interact with it to despawn it
level-based component of mob magical resistance decreased
base value +40 added to all player resistances
ranged damage (bow, thrown) calculations now use WIS to determine the damage instead of STR
character looks can be customized before entering the game
18 August 2024
various changes
by Renodor: Zentar Keep, Qeynos Prison, Bandit Hill, Alseop's Wall, Trails End, Strag's Rest, Aviak Village, Serpent Hill, Elephant Graveyard, Brokenskull Rock zones complete (NPC's)
by ShadowRampageTV: Dark Elf Rogue 1 - 20 starter quests added
item fixes by xpli
some spell/CM fixes by Lardubedu and me, e.g. potion AoE radius adjustments
buffs stacking update
non-stacking buffs can now be cast on a player but only the strongest of any non-stacking ones is active at given time
the strongest buff is determined by how much it increases the overlapping stats
when the strongest buff ends, the next strongest previously cast non-stacking one becomes active, as seen on an old video (two bard PoT buffs)
what we know about stacking rules is explained here, some of the exceptions yet unimplemented
item charge count implemented
ticking HoT green number showed a wrong value in some situations, fixed
some CM's adding movement speed didn't work, fixed
pets in a group now aggro if any other pet in the group is attacked
adjustments to how conjured item effects stack or break in combat, still work in progress
join our Discord to follow the development or to contribute
by ShadowRampageTV: DarkElf ALC quests 1-20, mobs: Snowfist 10-20, Anu Village 40-50, Snowblind Plains 40-50
starter quests level 1-20 now done for all races and classes!
some item fixes by xpli, ShadowRampageTV, Renodor, Krumpzilla
some spell fixes by Lardubedu and me, especially stacking changes based on what information we've been able to find
fixed a couple of group XP bugs reported by Faxon
target ring was sometimes inappropriately light blue instead of green for low-level targets, fixed
Sphere of Annihilation quality of life improvements
time of day in game was often different between clients due to emulator clock drifting; time is now resynced once a minute
2 September 2024
various fixes
by Renodor: NPC's rebuilt in Canyons Box, Chiktar Hive, Eternal Desert, Sycamore Joy's Rest, Great Waste, Elemental Towers; added 30+ DS procs for armor gear
by Lardubedu: various stacking adjustments, icon fixes, stat fixes, etc.
by ShadowRampageTV: eastern human spell reward and dialog review 1-20, internal quest cleanup
by Krumpzilla: Lavastorm 57 and 59 (possibly still WIP)
added an extra immediate tick to PoT effects
drain-type spells should now grant only 50% of the drained amount of health and power
new players should now have the appropriate starting items (rations and weapon)
longer charms breaked too easily, fixed: there won't be random breakage during first 90% of the max duration
most spell animations were too quick for historical reasons, adjusted; mainly a visual change but also affects the time your character slows down while casting
big player movement update
player movement used to be very simple - client reports the player's position, server places it there
now, the server-side player position is continuously moved towards the client's reported position at appropriate speed
this should make player movement less susceptible to lag and emulator speed unstability (including turbo mode)
i.e. you should see other players move more smoothly regardless of their network quality
if you lag heavily or use turbo, your server-side position will differ from what you see on your own screen, possibly leading to inconsistencies in combat
8 September 2024
various fixes
by Renodor: NPC's rebuilt in Tak 'Xiv, Tak 'Xiz, Tak 'Xiz South, Takish'Hiz, Sea of Lions, Oasis; 35+ procs to gear, 80+ new items for specific NPCs
loot table contributions by Pdanny
by xpli: Wastelands biome revised, 200 items created for the biome
some spell/CM/stacking adjustments by Lardubedu
game accounts can now be created on SCP, in case of text input or other problems on the PS2 side
contribution of level difference to resistances adjusted
big combat formula update
melee/ranged damage (non-spell) was previously calculated with a formula created by members of the revival community
there has long been criticism that this damage is different from the original game
rewrote the formula based on what info I have from various sources
it's still work heavily in progress; nobody (except maybe a few original EQOA devs) knows the real formula and it would be unlikely we got it immediately right by guessing
when you hit an enemy, these variables affect the damage: STR contributes to maximum, DEX contributes to consistency, your/enemy's level, class-based factors for enemy and you, enemy AC and AGI, weapon damage
for ranged damage calculation, DEX and WIS replace STR and DEX
mobs' AC and other stats are basically unknown because they weren't displayed anywhere in the original game, so they may need adjusting
15 September 2024
various fixes
ShadowRampageTV: DELF 1-20 quest cleanup (WIP), general quest dialog/bug fixes, combat tutorial popup added to starter city locations
some spell/CM/stacking fixes by Lardubedu
two-hander hits get a damage boost from level 35 onwards, source
some melee/mitigation/resistance adjustments
some spell casting animations were out of sync with the timing of the spell effect hitting, adjusted
if you still see desynced spell animations, please report on our Discord
killing Regal Aviaks should now grant Kerplunk faction
fixes to item procs
paladin Ward procs now only hit undead mobs
mobs no longer use abilities that have a recast time of more than 80 seconds (down from 120)
illusion spells, e.g. enchanter Glamours sometimes stacked wrongly or didn't change appearance, fixed
we are currently experimenting with a new exciting feature that limits the number of simultaneous characters per IP address
22 September 2024
various fixes
by ShadowRampageTV: ERU 1-20 quest cleanup (WIP), DELF 1-20 quest cleanup (spell rewards and dialog) mostly complete except odd NPCs
some spell/stacking/CM/pet(?) fixes by Lardubedu
some item fixes by xpli
level cap 45
tunar (money) enabled; in the first phase, there's a cap of 5000 tunar per character + 5000 in bank
actually the tunar limit doesn't seem to work for bank at the moment, but will be in effect after next server reboot
should basically work: looting, merchant selling/buying, trading, banking tunar
not tested much yet so bugs are possible
a major part of the economy, wearing down and repair cost of items is not yet implemented
after that and any bugs are fixed, the 5k cap will be gone
timed spawn system, should be somewhat similar to what the original game had
a mob can have a defined interval of a "spawn roll", and a chance to spawn on each roll
meaning a rare mob can have a chance to spawn e.g. weekly, or once a day
some pet stats are now calculated based on its type and level, instead of fixed values in community-authored sheet data (it didn't scale well)
pet STA buffs went broken at some point, fixed
more spell animation timing fixes
29 September 2024
by ShadowRampageTV: Eru 1-20, Troll 1-20, Ogre 1-20, Human East 1-20 (quest cleanup WIP)
by Renodor: Hazinak and Slithtar Hive NPC rebuild complete
some spell fixes by Lardubedu
preliminary implementation of the remaining missing spell/effect types:
player summon
breath'o'meter, out-of-breath damage and lava damage guesstimated
falling for an extended period of time is lethal
some fixes to item wear-down, repairing and merchants
bought the web domain to host Sandstorm's web presence (previously resided on the domain of my hockey game,
some under-the-hood updates, e.g. more customizable stats and movement speed for mobs
AoE spells will hit surrounding mobs/players even if the target mob dies mid-cast
resist buffs didn't work on pets, fixed
the text "You have received n tunar" appeared on completing a quest even if the transaction (and quest) failed due to full inventory, fixed
resurrect sometimes sent you underground, fixed
amount of tunar sometimes didn't show up in the trade window
14 October 2024
various fixes
Halloween event officially opened, some bugs fixed thereof
by Renodor: 300+ NPC edits
many spell/CM fixes by Lardubedu
vampirism work in progress
vampirism abilities may require or grant units of blood
damage tick in vampire form during day
charmed mob wrongly despawned if its home area became inactive, fixed
Portal pet maximum level 5
the cat and Skandalf assist players up to level 10
SCP interactions now support resetting training points and class masteries; rehab implemented by ShadowRampageTV:
Rehabilitator Frejo, Northern RO
Rehabilitator Anja, Muniel's Tea Garden
20 October 2024
various fixes
many spell/CM fixes by Lardubedu
by xpli: Eastern Human faction fixes, with help from Boomin; Halloween festival fixing and polishing
by ShadowRampageTV: Elf 1-20 quest cleanup, original dialog added from videos lv 1-5
bow damage calculation used wrong input stat, fixed
pets sometimes became lethargic, fixed
vampirism fixes, e.g. damage tick regardless of form if quest completed; DoT disabled in certain perpetually dark places; doesn't interrupt eating
27 October 2024
various fixes
by Lardubedu: a lot of spell and CM fixes
by ShadowRampageTV: general quest bug fixes, work with custom texture pack (WIP), 500+ textures; game control tutorial, inserted in the greeting dialogue for a new character
by xpli: a lot of item fixes, Halloween event fixes
by Renodor: added mana procs on items
first version of "linked aggro": when attacking a mob, nearby mobs (within 10 m) can aggro
first version of pet passive stance; the other pet modes (neutral, defensive, aggressive) are the same as the normal pet behavior previously
guards now aggro to some hostile NPC's
mobs can aggro to player pets
pet attack now has a range limit, currently 50 m
dual arrow attacks (from level 35 onwards) now only produce one damage number instead of two
10000+ interactions created in our interaction editor
the number includes quests, item procs, mob pathing, etc.
but also some early tests, old versions and NPC one-liner responses (many probably still from Jan 2024 when the last batch of Alutra's dialogue data was imported)
a week still left of the Halloween Event!
3 November 2024
various fixes
by Lardubedu: a lot of spell and CM fixes
by xpli: for the last day of the Halloween festival, a small number of repeatable quest monsters have been scattered around Darvar Manor
modifiers are now considered when deciding which of two non-stacking buffs takes precedence
the amount of health and power granted by food and drink items is now determined algorithmically by their level requirement
previously all generic food and drink items granted 1/8 of maximum per tick so it didn't matter which one you bought
the change doesn't affect items created by abilities (e.g. alchemist, magician)
when equipping a weapon prepared in the toolbelt, it is replaced in the toolbelt by your previously equipped weapon so you can easily swap between two weapons
if you were wielding two weapons or a weapon with a shield, the toolbelt swap will restore those two items
some fixes to buff stacking: there was an inconsistency when casting e.g. Valor, Call to War and Iron Conviction in different orders
10 November 2024
various fixes
by ShadowRampageTV: added many items, item descriptions, icon fixes, model fixes, merchant and other dialogues and merchant items based on original footage; preparing future tradeskills implementation
by Renodor: fixed pricing on gear, assisted Kallosus with quests
by Kallosus: STR CM quest
by Lardubedu: spell and CM fixes
by xpli: fixing some gnome starter quests
resistance calculation tweaks
some conflicting information exists
resist chance is now calculated as resistance / 350 instead of resistance / 400
potential minor bugs fixed
aggro tweaks
overhealing now generates aggro, previously only actual healing did
heal-generated aggro increased by 50% (test)
potential minor bugs fixed
roaming aquatic mobs can now maintain constant depth instead of preferring the maximum depth
ability cooldowns no longer reset on logout
pets sometimes became preoccupied trying to heal and neglected melee combat if heal failed due to cooldown, mana etc.
item degradation tweaks based on video analysis
item durability is basically the percentage chance the item stays untouched when you get hit
even items with durability of 100 can still degrade - chance capped to 99%
removed some factors that previously contributed to item degradation, i.e. magnitude of damage and equip slot
weapons can now degrade also when you hit something, not only when you get hit
headwear mistakenly didn't degrade, fixed
group power drains now grant 100% of the drained power to each group member (previously 50%)
some fixes to how buffs break in combat
casters and priests no longer get the level 35 critical melee hit bonus, based on official FAQ
17 November 2024
various changes
by ShadowRampageTV: added items, item descriptions and vendor updates from old videos
by Renodor: adjustments to loot tables to be more in line with original drop rates; assisted Kallosus with STA quest
by Kallosus: STA CM quest 1, 2, 3
by Lardubedu: some spell/CM updates
resurrection state is now preserved through logout/login; health and power are 20% of maximum after resurrection
buffs, debuffs and health/power state are now preserved through logout/login
contributors: Pdanny and Kallosus, helping with NPC specific loot; over 500 new items now dropping
by ShadowRampageTV: checked starter zones against the Prima Guide to make sure merchants have gear to sell up to level 30; added many default dialogues to NPC's
abilities are no longer automatically learned
you need a scroll (from merchant, quest, etc.) in order to learn spells
if you have completed a quest but no longer have the scroll, there are NPC's in Darvar Manor that give them to you
Merchant Akaron: level 1-15 spells
Merchan Salania: level 23-37
Merchan Abirai: 43-45 and were-abilities
Doctor Doobes: 20, 30, 40 path spells
these NPC's and their logic were set up by xpli
Renodor and ShadowRampageTV also helped with the transition
unrelated issue: the server ran out of disk space for a few hours on Nov 23 so some player changes, including spells learned that time, may have got rolled back
gear level requirement is now enforced
it previously wasn't because a lot of loot tables, quests and merchants (and tunar) were missing; now less so
this also means item stat downscaling based on your vs. item's level won't happen anymore
arrows now deplete; shooting a bow used to require just one arrow that was never lost
ranged attacks (bow, thrown weapons) can now trigger offensive procs even out of melee range
breath meter fully replenishes out of water or lava after a short delay instead of doing it gradually over time
The Skyrgamur company of 17 needs your help with the party preparations. There is so much to do and there are only a few weeks left until Christmas. Will you be there to help them? Will you have time to help Gattapefur, Stufur, Huroaskellir and all their companions? Without your help, it is not certain that the big Christmas party can take place!
1 Meta quest
10 repeatable daily quests
4 Deeds
1 Raid Skirmish
1 Open world named
Many new items
5 exclusive armor sets per archetype
by Renodor: adjustments to desert biome loot tables and some specific NPC loot tables
by Kallosus: INT quest 1, 2, 3, assisted by Renodor
rumors circulate that the magic word hep has lost its power
the teleporting magic word yoho still works for players who are above certain level and haven't learned many spells (so they can fix their quest-based spells more conveniently)
new NPC ability list system
instead of a fixed list of class/level-based abilities, NPC's can now have a customized ability list
NPC's are assigned an ability list created in SCP, based on their level range and tags
first utility: mobs below level 6 generally don't cast any abilities (crits) any more, as seen on old videos
the old class/level-based selection of spells is still used for mobs without a defined new ability list
NPC abilities are a work in progress that will take some time; we'll have to create the ability lists and assign them to NPC's
mob abilities/crits will progress towards the original game while this work is being completed
fixes to some excessive proccing exacerbated by the change last week
by Renodor: Vampire Sanctuary update. Vampires relocated to their new sanctuary in ZP; level 46 scrolls split into three groups spread across these camps: Tendora-Buki, Ratman and Phantoms
by ShadowRampageTV: all races and classes now have their original level 3 scroll and ability tutorial after completing the quest
level cap increased to 49
some updates to looting; high-level mobs generally don't drop low-level items
partial/experimental line of sight enabled in Guk
mobs can now have weaknesses and strengths against specific physical damage types - slash, blunt and pierce
all Tunaria zones now have mob aggro enabled
14 December 2024
various changes
spell/CM fixes by Renodor
contributed by Kallosus - data gathering etc.
by xpli: holiday event fixes, Thenon the Wise level 409 sidequest now available
timed NPC spawn bug fixed, caused some NPC's not spawning correctly
the pet back off command now makes the pet passive (non-aggroing) until it reaches its owner
xmas event also featured on MassivelyOP - thanks to xpli for planning and implementing the event
spells that should only work against animals used to work against any NPC, fixed
over 10,000 new items created by our content creation team since March 2024!
the cat and Skandalf focus towards helping players up to level 5
29 December 2024
various changes
by Renodor: a lot of spell fixes, new xp camps added to Sandstorm Exp Camp sheet (available on Discord)
by Kallosus: spell data/sources and testing
by xpli: a lot of xmas event and other quest updates
line of sight enabled in Halas (most zones don't have LoS data generated yet)
AoE effects now respect line of sight where available
5 January 2025
various changes
by xpli: thank you for participating the Christmas festival! Some statistics:
meta quests completed: 1697
Christmas quests completed: 16,970
Enraged Snowman kills: 115
money spent at Markum's gamble: 8,783,100 tunars
hidden quests completed: 331
see you at the next event!
by Renodor: spell fixes
critical hit mechanics removed; all references to it seem to be from the pre-Frontiers era and there is some evidence strongly suggesting it didn't exist in Frontiers
tentative 30% damage bonus added to 2H weapons, based on video evidence (see discussion on Discord)
12 January 2025
various changes
by Renodor: a lot of spell/CM/pet fixes
by xpli: new sidequest: Clockwork, quest giver: Elder Mysidia at Klick'Anon; Ogre racial quest (8/12 racials now available); etc.
by ShadowRampageTV: some interaction fixes
by Kallosus: testing & other assistance
tunar cap raised to 1 million
auction house implemented
auctions are updated once per minute so don't panic if your buyout isn't immediately processed
the unpatched game client didn't originally allow auctioning lore or no rent items; as a workaround these items are marked non-lore and yes-rent in the bank to facilitate their auction
some search options like keywords or seller name not implemented yet
listing fee not charged for now
all heal over time effects now affect the single 6-sec HoT tick instead of some of them having a separate tick
when a new HoT buff increases a player/NPC's HoT, an initial tick is applied immediately, as in the original game
we won MassivelyOP's public poll for the best MMO rogue server in 2024 with a clear margin, 30% of all votes - again, thanks for the continued support everyone!
19 January 2025
various changes
by xpli, Renodor, etc: a lot of under the hood progress with quests etc.
by Renodor: a lot of spell/CM/pet fixes
by Kallosus: testing & other assistance
some long-standing bugs with player respawning probably fixed (character spinning around, long loading times, other glitches)
LoS should now work in Bogman Village, Permafrost, Anu Village, Takish'Hiz
abilities inflicting physical damage (slash, blunt, pierce) are no longer mitigated by mob AC
instead, these three are handled the same way as resistances (arcane, poison, etc.) with some mobs having weaknesses or strengths against them
the change generally increases damage of these abilities because they often go through unresisted
any slash/blunt/pierce debuffs, weaknesses and strengths still work as modifiers to AC when it comes to basic, non-ability melee and ranged damage
arrows are now treated as pierce damage so the said debuffs, weaknesses and strengths of that type should affect their damage
for content creators, SCP now has a faction tool that can be used to add or edit factions, their relations or players' default faction standings (WIP)
26 January 2025
various changes
by Renodor: spell fixes, adjustments to mob spell rotations, The Hunt zone rebuilt, 46 spell drops at Phantoms only, level 49 Epic Part 1 enabled, Blackburrow dungeon rebuilt, with help from Sontosegara. For detailed notes, loot tables, information about rares etc. please see his post on Discord
by xpli: continuing work on game content, e.g. Plane of Sky
to create a guild, you have to be a leader in a full group of willing members, the cost is 5000 tunar
due to the makeshift nature of the LFG tool repurposed from the Buddy List, there is some conflict between some text labels that were changed
for this reason the Guild list doesn't have the "Online" label and LFG's "Guild" column shows group members instead of guild name
Why the kludgy Group Finder tool? The original LFG tool was added after launch in a content patch and for technical and legal reasons we can't distribute SOE's software patches
NO RENT items will disappear shortly after logout; there is a grace period of ~10 minutes to allow technical issues
mobs now try to run away if their health goes below a certain limit which may depend on the specific mob
mobs may now heal and buff other nearby mobs and debuff players
2 February 2025
various changes
by Renodor: a lot of spell updates, level scaling adjustments, mob ability list changes
by xpli: resumed the revision of Rathe loot tables, finished the Rathe Ultra Rare loot table
by Kallosus: testing & other assistance
faction adjustments ongoing, some inconvenience may result
basic melee/ranged damage formula adjusted to more accurately replicate some known data
XP debt
death adds XP debt which diminishes XP gains by 50% until paid
apparently some key details of the debt system aren't well known or documented and some of the available information is contradictory
such as: how much debt you get for dying or what's the maximum debt on each level
correction: Richard Penner / Arpiean seems to have figured out the basic formula in 2006
current implementation is based on the little evidence I could find
if we can find better information, the system will be adjusted accordingly
your money is safe for now, you don't lose tunar from dying yet
some spells now only affect players/NPC's above a specific level
some spell stacking changes underway, may cause disruptions with some spells
9 February 2025
various changes
by ShadowRampageTV: adjusted hundreds of items from Allakhazam and Prima Guide (check your gear); added trash stacks to various wildlife across Tunaria (spiders, ants, wolves, bats, undead, flies)
by Renodor: a lot of spell updates, level scaling adjustments, mob ability list changes
by xpli: Rathe common and rare loot table revision, etc.
by Kallosus: testing & other assistance
line of sight data generated for a few new zones
rogue pickpocketing now doesn't require invisibility, always breaks invisibility and always draws aggro from the target NPC
to avoid spurious deaths during server restarts, a two-minute invisibility+SoW buff is granted to players facing the situation (Grace of the cat)